This is where everything begins. During the consultation, our veterinary surgeons listen to your concerns and back ground history of your pet’s sickness, conduct physical examination on your pet , come up with the list of possible diseases, formulate a further diagnostic plan or come up with treatment suggestions. Here are some tips to get the most out of the consultation with your veterinary surgeon.
Do come up with a clear back ground history of your pet’s sickness (Please remember our patients cannot talk to us, we need their guardians ( that is YOU) to tell us what is happening. A wrong history will lead us to a wrong direction)
Do send somebody who knows the pet’s sickness.
Do send somebody who can make decisions regarding what to do next or at least make sure the decision maker is contactable over the phone.
Do ask questions if you do not understand what your veterinary surgeon or veterinary assistant is talking about. We don’t mind.
Please.. Please .. Do tell us if your dog or cat is aggressive before we start the physical examination.
Don’t make up the history or assume what might have happened, if you are not sure of it. ( Remember a wrong history will lead us to a wrong direction)
Don’t try to solve a lot of problems in one consultation. ( We understand that time is of the essence and cost may be of concern. But it is impossible to check and cure a lot of different diseases in one go. It will distract your veterinary surgeon from the most important problems. Different diseases will need different drugs and they may be conflicting each other. It is not in the best interest of your pets )
Don’t send a minor ( less than 18 years of age). We need an adult to make an informed decision and give us consent to treat or perform surgery on your pets.